The Dangers of Vaping – What You Need to Know

In recent years, vaping has become increasingly popular, with many people believing it to be a safer alternative to smoking. However, it is important to be aware that vaping carries its own risks and potential dangers. In this blog post, we will be exploring the risks associated with vaping, and what you need to know in order to make informed decisions. The unknown long-term effects of vaping With the recent surge in vaping, many people are wondering about the potential long-term effects of vaping. While it is true that the immediate health risks associated with vaping are still unclear, the long-term effects could be more severe and more far-reaching than what we currently understand. Vaping can have a negative effect on your mental health, as studies have linked vaping to increased levels of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Additionally, research suggests that vaping can cause nicotine addiction, which can lead to a whole host of other problems such as impaired co...

Going Steady With Workouts

How to ease into a workout routine

If you’re trying to get in shape but aren’t sure where to start, there are some basic things you can do to ease into your workout routine. By easing into your workout routine and gradually building up your exercise regimen, you can avoid injury, burnout, and plateaus that occur when you suddenly ramp up your workouts too quickly. This guide will give you everything you need to start working out for beginners so that you can make fitness and weight loss a lifelong habit!

Decide What Your Goals Are

Choosing an appropriate fitness plan can depend on your fitness goals. Some people want to lose weight, while others might want more strength or stamina. The type of routine you choose also depends on the time you have for exercising each day and what you are most comfortable with in terms of intensity. It is best to start slowly with a low-intensity exercise and then work your way up. A beginner's program could be less than 15 minutes, three times per week, but you can always add more days or increase the duration as needed after building up some more endurance. One way to find out what works best for you is by giving different types of exercises a try until you find something that feels right! Remember, any kind of physical activity has benefits; even if it isn't what you would consider traditional exercise. So just give it a shot. You'll be glad you did! There are so many different ways to get active outside of the gym. Biking, walking, swimming, yoga--the list goes on and on. Don't forget about bodyweight workouts either: squats, pushups, lunges... you don't need anything special to do these things! Make sure you include variety so your muscles don't get bored too quickly though. Variety will also help keep boredom at bay when following an exercise plan from a book or DVD. Mixing up cardio routines with resistance training is a great way to stay interested in your workout sessions as well. Find activities that appeal to you and make sure they fit within your budget so you can keep them going for the long haul without getting burned out!

Set Priorities

Set your priorities. Spend time with people and do things that are important to you. Life is too short, so make sure you're making time for the things that matter most. Figure out what activities require the most energy, like being active with children or lifting heavy boxes, and then work on those more regularly. 

Start slow and give yourself some time to adjust by committing to only one thing at first . Add in something else when you feel ready. It may take a few weeks before you get used to exercising, but be patient with yourself! Once you've established a baseline of activity, you can introduce other forms of exercise to break up the monotony. Get advice from someone who knows about working out for beginners- a personal trainer can help walk you through how to set goals and stay motivated. There's no need to go from couch potato to marathon runner overnight- find an activity that suits your needs. If you want to run, start small with 3-5 minute intervals on weekdays and build up your stamina over time. If you want running isn't your thing, try swimming laps in a pool instead. Whatever it is, just stick with it! 

My biggest piece of advice for working out for beginners: don't give up. The benefits outweigh any temporary discomfort or pain you might experience during the process because they're worth it in the end

Get A Friend Involved

Getting someone else involved in your fitness journey is not only beneficial for the support, but it can also be motivating. Research from Harvard University has shown that one of the most effective ways to stick with a new fitness program is if someone else is there who is on the same path as you. This can be tough in some cases because many people who are not physically active may not want to exercise with their friends because they would feel too self-conscious. But when working out with friends or acquaintances, you can provide each other with social support and motivation, which is what we all need sometimes when getting started!

To find like-minded people, start by turning Facebook and Instagram into your main sources of social media. You could post about how excited you are to finally join a gym after years of being inactive, ask around your neighborhood for recommendations on the best place to work out in the area, or check at local businesses and see if they offer any classes. You will be sure to find someone who has gone through similar challenges as you have and can help motivate you along the way! It's important to know that even just making small changes such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator can count towards an overall healthy lifestyle, so don't overdo it. Keep yourself accountable by setting short-term goals for yourself such as a certain number of stairs climbed per day or going for an extra 10 minute walk during lunchtime. It's possible to stay healthy without breaking a sweat; just make sure you're staying active in some way every day!

Start At Home

We all know that working out is good for you, but what if you don't know where to start? Whether you're just getting back on your fitness game after the winter hiatus or if you've never really exercised in your life, there are plenty of ways to get started without feeling intimidated. If this is your first time working out, we recommend starting at home with some simple exercises for beginners. Take care of yourself and prioritize self-care today! 1) Lie down on your back and lift your legs up so they form a 90 degree angle with the ground. Keep your feet together as you point them towards the ceiling, then hold this position for 30 seconds before returning to lying down again. Repeat 10 times 2) Stand up straight while raising one arm as high as possible towards the ceiling while lifting one leg off of the ground. Hold this position for 5 seconds before returning to standing up straight and repeating it with the other arm/leg 3) Use an exercise ball by placing it against a wall so that it's between waist height and chest height when you stand facing away from it. Put both hands on the ball and bend over so that your upper body is almost parallel to the floor. Straighten your arms, push yourself back up until you're upright again and repeat 5 times 4) Sit down in a chair with both feet flat on the floor about hip width apart. Place both hands behind your head and lean forward until you feel tension pulling your abs inward. Return to sitting upright

Make An Action Plan

1. Pick your go-to sweat session

2. Set realistic short-term goals, like work out three times this week or lift 15 pounds today 

3. Try not to work out on an empty stomach or two hours before bed 4. Keep it simple and repeatable 5. Stick with it - consistency is key ! If you’re able to commit for 30 days straight without skipping a single day, you’ll start noticing changes that will keep you motivated! It's important to set small, achievable goals as well so you can see progress along the way. Consistency is key because when the goal gets too far away in the future, people tend to forget about it and stop working towards it. But when it becomes a reality, people are more likely to stick with their plan because they don't want to disappoint themselves by quitting early. It's also really important to set small, achievable goals as well so you can see progress along the way. And if at any point in time you're feeling discouraged during your journey, remember why you started and what you're trying to accomplish. Self-compassion leads to greater success over time because there's no shame in starting over again or giving up if something doesn't feel right anymore

Determine The Best Time Of Day To Work Out

In order to work out at the optimal time, you first need to figure out when your body is most naturally energized. Ideally, your body should be awake in the morning with energy levels still high, followed by the afternoon and then evening when they should begin to drop off. This gives you three great time periods where you can get up and start moving. For most people, mornings are the best time because this is when their natural energy levels are at their highest peak. You can also do other activities before going into your workout (showering, eating breakfast) which will help your brain release natural feel-good chemicals like serotonin. If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s recommended that you work out earlier in the day so that your metabolism has enough time to recover before dinner rolls around. However, if weight loss isn’t your goal or if it is late in the day and your hunger levels are starting to kick in, exercise may not be for you. Working out during the evening could have negative consequences on your appetite, causing you to eat more than normal or even worse, binge eat. It's important to keep in mind that while working out might make us feel good, too much of it can actually cause us stress and lead to adrenal fatigue as well as a decrease in our natural killer cells which keep us healthy and fighting infections. Working out too often can also cause excessive perspiration and dehydration if we don't replenish our water intake afterward. So how often should we work out? The short answer is that everyone's bodies are different but generally speaking 3-5 days per week is a good place to start.

Warm Up Before Your Workout

It's never too late in the day to do some stretches. Some examples include but are not limited to squats, lunges, push-ups, crunches and jumping jacks. Get on your hands and knees, then bend at the waist until you're parallel with the ground. Allow your arms and head to hang down as you gently move your back up and down for about 30 seconds. If you need more stretching at this point, try cat/cow poses or figure four stretches by crossing one leg over the other then reaching each arm over it in opposite directions. Repeat with the other side. The next step is an essential part of any warmup routine: dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretching helps to prepare your muscles for a full range of motion during exercise. Examples of dynamic stretches include walking lunges, downward dog yoga pose, and skipping rope in place. Once you've warmed up properly, perform three sets of 10 reps with lighter weights before starting your strength training session.

Wear The Right Attire/Equipment

In order to be able to make the most of your workout, it's important that you have all the right equipment. If you're just starting out, then make sure you have some type of headwear such as headphones or earbuds, an athletic bra and sports bras for chest support, and loose-fitting athletic clothing for mobility. Proper footwear is also crucial. Your feet need adequate cushioning for shock absorption, so sneakers or cross trainers will work best when starting out. And don't forget about socks! The less material between your feet and shoes the better--you want them as close together as possible. Opt for low-cut socks if necessary in order to reduce any friction on your skin from rubbing against the tops of your shoes with every step.

Have A Routine

When starting a new workout regime, it's easy to want to set yourself up for success by jumping right in. Unfortunately, doing this can lead be discouraging and discouraging when you realize you need more time than that. What works best is taking baby steps and slowly easing into your fitness program. This will keep you on track so you don't find yourself too burnt out or sore in the days following your first few workouts. To start with, try doing as little as 5 minutes of activity per day at first. For example, if you usually get off work at 4pm then leave at 3:45pm instead, go for a walk before dinner, or do some stretches while watching TV in the evening are all ways to increase your daily physical activity just by five minutes.

Listen To Music While You Work Out

It’s understandable if your first impulse is not to hit the gym. Working out can feel like a big commitment, and the idea of exercising or going running without any preparation might seem overwhelming. So it helps to take it one step at a time: put on some good music, or even try watching TV while you work out. Try thinking about what you really want as a result from working out, instead of getting bogged down with preconceived notions of what it means to be fit. Remember that you are in control and have the power to make changes on your own terms. If you're too busy to exercise for an hour each day, think about whether 20 minutes is possible for you. If you don't enjoy running, try swimming laps or using an elliptical machine--whatever will get your blood pumping. Start by setting a goal for yourself and then map out how much effort it'll take to reach that goal.

Reward Yourself

In order to get the full benefits of working out it is important to gradually increase intensity and time spent exercising. The best way to do this is by choosing a specific activity, such as taking the stairs instead of an elevator, and sticking with it for one week before adding on any more. Additionally, it is essential that you introduce variety as well so there are new challenges when progress slows down. Rewards can also be used in place of exercise if they provide an extra incentive or are appealing enough (i.e., enjoying favorite foods or getting downtime from stress). For example, in lieu of going to the gym after work, make plans to see friends or read a book at home. If these activities sound too relaxing, then try rewarding yourself with some quick exercises like push-ups or jumping jacks between meetings at work. It doesn't take much effort to reap the benefits of fitness!
